I went a bit 'snap happy' yesterday with my camera and this compilation is the result! We have had a very wet start to summer this year, and as a result everything is green and lush all be it a bit delayed compared to last year. Our Feijoa trees are loaded with flowers - if you haven't tried the fruit its unlike anything else! Artichokes produce the most stunning flowers (I am not keen on eating the centres, or hearts) but grow the plants because of the structural elements they add to a garden. That, and the bees just love them....
The Mountain Peppers are covered in berries which we collect, dry and store for use in casseroles, stews, or anything that requires a kick of hot peppery flavour. I have a number of fig trees which thrive on neglect and produce a bountiful crop each year regardless of the lack of attention they receive. Fresh from the tree is always best.....
Our corn crop failed to germinate the first time I planted out seed as we had some late frosts; the second planting faired much better and we are anticipating lots of juicy corn cobs in late summer....

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